Pack with Intention

Packing peace, hope, and love for my pilgrimage to Oahu for the TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) with Brain Health Hawaii turned out to be a good choice. I brought peace and attracted even more. I came grasping with hope and now grateful for holding onto the hope each day. And love, love for all was given with more attracted from across my path.
I sit on the 12 floor lanai of the building where I arrived on August 22nd hardly eating feeling anxious and nervous but confident in HOPE! I now report back I feel renewed, refreshed, and revitalized due to the miraculous results of the TMS. I can walk, eat, and rest all with ease and a few extra pounds. These changes will take time to adjust to while leading to new opportunities. I now stand with one foot on Oahu and one foot on Maui. I have gained so much being here in ways never imagined. Going back to home will be different. A transition in itself just as it was having to learn to live with the effects of the long covid.
The first full day and days after in the first couple weeks of the TMS I saw rainbows daily. The rainbows were a constant reminder that God has the way. And so, I awoke each morning on the lanai looking out toward the city lights which are such a contrast to my view of Haleakala on Maui while walking my handheld labyrinth surrendering any worries.
In transitions in life what have you packed? What gifts do you bring home or collect to remind you of the place you have been? I collected a stronger hope, intuition, and openness and most of all trust. I always felt I beheld these gifts but after going through this transformation they are solidified in my spirit.
The story of the blind man in the Goispel of Matthew is a true exampale of this miracle of healing. Living with long covid was long and it was only 14 months for me unlike others who have been living with this for 2 or 3 years. The blind man trusted Jesus as he placed his hands on the blind man's eye's. I trusted the BHH folk as they placed the black magnetic coils on my head. I knew the way I was living was about to change. The black magnetic coils were like the hands of Jesus placed on my head to bring sight. I remember the vividness of colors and definition of my environment being enhanced within just days. The following week I was sitting out by the pool in the afternoon and began journaling. I noticed into my writing that I was wearing no glasses and I could read the words clearly that I was writing. I felt such joy. Back in 2017 I had started needing reading glasses around 1.25/1.50. About 6 months ago this strength was not cutting it so I ramped up to 2.50. I am back to wearing the 1.50's inside reading but outside I can pretty much read without them. I was blind and now I can see.
I wrote this as I was about to leave Oahu a week ago. I have been home a week and finding my way adjusting to being in this new brain! If you are reading this and were part of the support during my treatment process know you made a difference! Mahalo!